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yogahub Class Styles & Descriptions

Looking to learn the basics or improve your alignment?
These classes are for you!

yogahub Foundations

What is it? 

yogahub Foundations is an opportunity to explore technique and alignment. These educational classes break down poses, transitions and techniques to help you develop your practice and expand your skills. These are not flow classes; instead, they are more workshop-style classes, where each week you will break down foundational poses, looking at the alignment, with the opportunity to ask questions and get individual guidance from the teacher. Suitable for people of all levels, from complete beginners looking to understand the foundations of a yoga practice to more experienced practitioners looking for a more detailed understanding of foundational yoga poses.

What are the benefits?

Yogahub Foundations helps you develop your understanding of alignment and technique, allowing you to get the most from your yoga practice. 

Who is it for?

All levels. Perfect for both beginners and experienced practitioners. Always check with a doctor about any pre-existing conditions before trying out any new form of exercise. 

yogahub Align

What is it?

yogahub Align focuses on alignment and building strength through longer holds. The classes will still maintain a focus on movement and heat-building, though they will be balanced out with more time held in poses to develop strength, focus and awareness. Although at a slower pace, these are still challenging practices, but with plenty of options offered to suit different levels. A perfect antidote to the faster pace of modern life.

What are the benefits?

Moving slower, with longer holds, can help with building strength and muscle tone, while also allowing time to understand alignment and engagement in more detail. The slower pace can also help with settling and steadying the mind, while giving the opportunity to mindfully connect with our breathing.

Who is it for?

Suitable for all levels. Newer students will find the slower pace a more accessible way to understand the poses and movements. More experienced students will benefit from the longer holds and opportunity to explore alignment in more detail. The perfect practice for anyone looking to refine technique and build strength and endurance. Always check with a doctor about any pre-existing conditions before trying out any new form of exercise. 

Have the basics down and ready to build some heat?
Look no further!

yogahub Flow

What is it?

yogahub Flow is an all-round yoga practice, combining movement, strength-work and calming stretching. Expect to build heat and stability while moving your body through various poses at a steady pace. Certain poses may be held for longer to help you tune into your alignment and to help steady your mind and breathe. Grounding postures at the end help balance out the effort of the practice.

What are the benefits?

yogahub Flow can help with building flexibility and mobility through movement and stretching. Certain poses will be held for longer to help with building strength. A focus on breathing helps bring a mindful element to the practice, assisting with steadying and calming the mind.

 Who is it for?

This is a mixed-level flow class, with options given for practitioners of different levels and abilities. Always check with a doctor about any pre-existing conditions before trying out any new form of exercise. 

yogahub Dynamic

What is it?

yogahub Dynamic is an active, vinyasa flow–style practice. It is an invigorating practice that synchronises breath and movement. The focus is on moving between poses with the intention of building heat, strength and mobility. The dynamic style works as a moving meditation, with the fluid movements becoming a point of focus for the mind. 

The practices will generally involve working towards challenging postures such as balancing poses, arm balances and inversion, with options given for different levels. The dynamic sequences are balanced with calming postures, gentle stretching and a relaxing savasana to finish.

What are the benefits?

This is a fluid, lively form of movement that is much less static than traditional yoga styles. When attended on a regular basis, benefits can include improving strength, coordination, flexibility and mobility.

Who is it for?

This is an all-levels class with modifications offered for different levels. Teachers will generally give less alignment cues in these classes, so complete beginners may benefit first from trying our Align, Chill, Stretch or Foundations classes. Always check with a doctor about any pre-existing conditions before trying out any new form of exercise. 

yogahub Flow 2

What is it? 

Flow 2 is a vinyasa-style class for intermediate to experienced practitioners. With less focus on the basics, these classes explore more challenging sequences and postures, with the intention of building strength, flexibility and focus.

Who is it for?

Not suitable for complete beginners: these classes are for students who are already comfortable with the foundations and are looking to work towards more advanced postures and transitions.

What are the benefits?

Yogahub Flow 2 classes help with developing your physical yoga practice. Approaching more complex poses help with improving strength, mobility, flexibility and coordination. Always check with a doctor about any pre-existing conditions before trying out any new form of exercise.

yogahub Hot Flow

What is it?

A dynamic practice in a heated room with a focus on moving the body along with the breath. Hot flow is an immersive experience to challenge the body while soothing the mind. Expect to move between postures to build strength, flexibility and focus. Synchronising movement with breath helps create a meditative experience within the physical practice. Room temperature 35-38 degrees. A towel and water are recommended

What are the benefits?

Hot yoga can help with improving mobility and flexibility. The heat adds an extra challenge which can help with building strength physically, but also focus mentally. Hot Yoga has been shown to help improve circulation and blood flow. 

Who is it for?

These are all-level classes, however complete beginners may benefit from trying a non-heated class first. If you have any pre-existing conditions, always check with your doctor before trying any new form of exercise

yogahub Hot

What is it?

A non-vinyasa based asana practice in a heated room focused on connecting the body and mind. Some asanas are held for a longer period of time with the purpose of building endurance. An alignment focused practice in a heated room. Room temperature 38-40 degrees. A towel and water are recommended

What are the benefits?

Hot yoga can help with improving mobility and flexibility. The heat adds an extra challenge which can help with building strength physically, but also focus mentally. Hot Yoga has been shown to help improve circulation and blood flow. 

Who is it for?

These are all level classes, however complete beginners may benefit from first trying a non-heated class. The slower pace will give newer students a chance to understand the alignment of the different poses, while experienced students will benefit from refining their technique. If you have any pre-existing conditions, always check with your doctor before trying any new form of exercise

Had a big day at work, training hard or just need time to chill?
These classes are for you!

yogahub Slow

What is it?

yogahub Slow is a vinyasa style practice where the focus is moving at a steady, mindful pace. The slower tempo helps foster a mindful connection between breath and movement, while helping to calm both body and mind. While aspect of the class will still provide physical challenge, the intention is to explore mindful movement to create a sense of ease and fluidity. 

What are the benefits?

A slower pace class is the perfect antidote to the business of modern life. Slowing down helps with settling the mind, while tapping into the bodies naturally ability to rest and recover. 

Who is it for?

Suitable for all levels. New students will benefit from the slower pace, while experience students will get the opportunity to to explore more subtle aspects of body and breath.

yogahub Chill

What is it?

yogahub Chill classes are focused less on strength-building and more on the restorative aspect of movement. Expect simple mobility work to release tired joints, gentle stretching to soothe tense muscles, and restorative poses to calm both body and mind. While there is still movement, the intention is to unwind and release. Designed to relax and rejuvenate, you’ll leave feeling calm, steady and centred.

What are the benefits?

These low-impact practices are a great way to ease tired bodies and soothe overworked minds. It can help with developing mobility as well as reducing muscle tightness and pain. Chill classes allow for more time to focus on mindful breathing, which can help relax the nervous system. 

Who is it for?

All welcome. Chill classes are the perfect complement to more vigorous practices like running, strength training and cycling. Always check with a doctor about any pre-existing conditions before trying out any new form of exercise. 

yogahub Stretch

What is it?

yogahub Stretch is a calming practice focusing on releasing common areas of tension through targeted stretching. With minimal movement, this is a grounding practice a perfect counterbalance to more dynamic strength-focused practices.

What are the benefits?

Stretching helps to improve flexibility, increase blood flood and ease muscle tension. It can also help with stress relief and with calming the mind.

Who is it for?

All welcome. Chill classes are the perfect complement to more vigorous practices like running, strength training and cycling.

yogahub Restore

What is it?

Yogahub Restore is a calming practice focusing on gentle, prop supported poses to help release physical tension while calming the mind. Class can explore elements such as (but not exclusive to) calming breath work, restorative, long-hold stretches and NSDR (non-sleep, deep rest). The gentle pace lowers the resting heart rate and allows the shift into the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest) – helping to de-stress, reduce anxiety and recover from physical activity.

What are the benefits?

Restorative yoga helps to relax both body and mind in a gentle, accessible way. The perfect antidote to the busyness of modern life, restore classes give you the space to slow down, unwind and tap into our bodies ability to rest and recover.

Who is it for?

Suitable for all levels. The perfect practice for relaxation and recovery, whether you’ve had a big day at work, been training hard, or just need a little time to chill.

yogahub Yin

What is it?

A mindful style of yoga that uses longer holds to access the fascia and connective tissue in the body. In Yin Yoga postures are more passive asanas, mainly done on the floor. Yin Yoga is unique in that you are asked to relax in the posture, soften the muscles and move closer to the bone. It is not uncommon to see postures held for 3-7 minutes. The time spent in these postures is much like time spent in meditation. Yin yoga offers much deeper access to the body, particularly the fascia. Fascia connects all connective tissues (that means the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and blood) Fascia holds together the entire body. You will leave feeling balanced and renewed.

What are the benefits?

The longer holds in Yin targets the body’s connective tissue which can help with improving flexibility and joint mobility. The longer holds and focus on mindfulness can also help with stimulating the bodies relaxation response, helping to ease both body and mind

Who is it for?

Suitable for all levels of experience. Always check with a doctor about any pre-existing conditions before trying out any new form of exercise. 

yogahub Heated Yin

What is it?

A mindful style of yoga that uses longer holds to access the fascia and connective tissue in the body. In Yin Yoga postures are more passive asanas, mainly done on the floor. Yin Yoga is unique in that you are asked to relax in the posture, soften the muscles and move closer to the bone. It is not uncommon to see postures held for 3-7 minutes. The time spent in these postures is much like time spent in meditation. Yin yoga offers much deeper access to the body, particularly the fascia. Fascia connects all connective tissues (that means the muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and blood). The heated room can help with easing physical tension and helping the mind relax. Room temperature 25-28 degrees

What are the benefits?

The longer holds in Yin targets the body’s connective tissue which can help with improving flexibility and joint mobility. The longer holds and focus on mindfulness can also help with stimulating the bodies relaxation response, helping to ease both body and mind

Who is it for?

Suitable for all levels of experience. Always check with a doctor about any pre-existing conditions before trying out any new form of exercise.

yogahub Heated Unwind

What is it? 

Heated Unwind at yogahub brings the benefits of a chill flow in a heated room. The focus is on simple movement and gentle stretching to help relax both body and mind. The room is heated to 27–30 degrees, with the heat helping with softening physical tension and easing the mind.

Who is it for?

All welcome. Heated unwind classes are the perfect complement to more vigorous practices like running, strength training and cycling. Although less challenging than Hot classes, it is still recommended to bring water and a towel. 

What are benefits?

Heated Unwind classes help with releasing muscle tension. The heat encourages the body to relax, while the gentle stretching and movement help develop flexibility. Always check with a doctor about any pre-existing conditions before trying out any new form of exercise.Â