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I hope you are all having a wonderful week this week. This week’s post is the second part of our yoga and mental health series. You can check out last week’s post here.

As you might remember I discussed my own personal struggles with depression and anxiety and I explained how much yoga helped me, even if I wasn’t going to classes, I did several Asanas (poses) before bed to help me feel more grounded and happy.

Of course, one major hurdle in using yoga or any sort of physical activity to alleviate depression and anxiety or, any other mental health pain you may be feeling, is the lack of motivation. Many people fighting a mental health problem don’t really feel like getting out of bed in the morning, much less exercising. So, start off slowly, and be sure to choose a physical exercise that you really enjoy.

Some of the asanas I found that helped me the most are listed below.

Reclining Bound Angle Pose – Supta Virasana


Standing Forward Bend – Uttanasana


Plank – Phalakasana


Upwards Facing Dog – Urdhva Mukha Svanasana


Downwards Facing Dog – Adho Mukha Svanasana


Extended Puppy Pose – Uttana Shishosana


Bridge Pose – Setu Bandha Sarvangasana


Wheel – Urdhva Dhanurasana


Supported Shoulder Stand – Salamba Sarvangasana


Easy Pose – Sukhasana


Corpse Pose – Shavasana

I really hope this blog post helps some of you. Have a wonderful day and rest of the week guys.

If you enjoyed this blog post, be sure to check out my own website where I post about wellness, travel, recipes and my own personal yoga journey, I am currently doing a monthly post about my yoga teacher training with YogaHub and my next post is going live on Saturday 😊


