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Kumare Movie poster

The Yoga Hub hosted its first Movie & Dinner Night yesterday evening. The HX2 studio in Harold’s Cross was transformed into a cosy cinema with bolsters and blankets organised in a puppy pile for everyone to lounge and enjoy the movie. Delicious Vegan grub was provided by Happy Food and we feasted on red lentil and cauliflower soup, roti’s filled with fresh veg and beans, healthy green juices, carrot and ginger juices and to polish it off – gluten, dairy and sugar free deserts of banana bread muffins, flapjacks and protein balls.

When all the food was eaten and chats were had, we relaxed down to watch the film – Kumaré. Kumaré is a documentary with the title lead serving as both star and director. The documentary follows Vikram Gandhi – born, raised and educated in America, but of Indian decent, as he goes undercover and impersonates a fake Guru – the lead role ‘Kumaré’.

Growing up in America, his parents and grandmother imposed a strong Indian heritage on his upbringing so that he would not forget about or be unaware of his roots and his native country’s history. Confused and stuck between the Eastern and Western worlds, Vikram became disillusioned with religion and spirituality during his college years. As he sought to escape the Eastern World and its way of life, he saw the surge of Yoga and Eastern Philosophies throughout America swell. What started as an experiment to see how Westerners would react to a true Indian ‘Guru’, turned into a full scale documentary as Kumaré developed a following of real people and discovered a pathway and a raison d’etre he had never anticipated.


Kumaré is full of laughs, some anticipation and is a clever exploration into the role of the Guru or Master and the effect they can have on peoples lives. If you are at all interested in yoga and more specifically, in the psychology of human relationship and interaction, I would definitely recommend the film.

We hope to host more of these evenings, so if you are interested in coming along to the next one keep an eye on the facebook and newsletters for more details and dates.


Author Matt

I started YogaHub out of a room at the back of someone else's house back in 2012 with nothing more than an idea. I'd been teaching Yoga since 2008 and had no intention of opening a Yoga Studio. I think, like everything I've done, I just decided one day I was going to give it a try. And try I did and if you're reading this I guess I'm still trying.

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  • Corinne allen says:

    Hi I was wondering when your next movie and dinner night will be happening ? Thanks !