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During my time travelling in South East Asia last year, I spent some time in Vietnam. The people, the country itself and the food were amazing!

Since I’ve been back I’ve been craving some Vietnamese cuisine, specifically rice rolls, with a sweet peanut dipping sauce. I headed to the Asian market and picked up rice paper and rice vermicelli. The rest of the ingredients were things I had at home anyway! My recipe for these is both gluten free and vegan.

Once you get the hang of rolling these, you won’t be able to stop! They’re so healthy, so delicious and easy to pack for vegan lunches and also a great starter/ vegan party food if you make mini sized rolls. Depending on what size you want your rolls to be you can pick up different sized rice paper.


I kept my filling fat free, as I used peanut butter for my dipping sauce, but add some avocado if you’d like more creaminess in your fillings.

These recipes/ steps are just my own vegan versions, by no means authentic or anything, but I have to say, they tasted great and satisfied my cravings!!

I used 22cm rice paper which made nice big rolls, I ate about 5 for my dinner, then came back for more later!



For the rolls;

Rice paper

Rice vermicelli

Fresh vegetables of your choice- julienne into thin strips. I used carrots, spring onion, bell peppers, baby spinach, iceberg lettuce


For the dipping sauce;

3 tbs peanut butter

1 clove of garlic minced

2 tbs maple syrup/golden syrup/ cane sugar whatever sweetener you prefer

1 tbs Tamari

2 tbs hot water



A shallow tray, with edges, filled with warm water, Ā to soak your rice paper in

another plate for rolling on

Small dish for dipping sauce

Plate for serving



Prepare all your veg, lay out beside you ready to use

Soak the rice noodles in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, strain, and keep beside you for rolling, in a small bit of cold water to prevent them becoming sticky

Set up a little work station for yourself, the tray for soaking, the plate for rolling, then a plate for stacking the rolls on

Mix all the ingredients for the dipping sauce, whisk until smooth, set aside

To roll, soak the paper until it turns softĀ and translucent

Smooth out onto the plate, place the noodles and veg of your choice horizontally a thirdĀ of the way from the bottom of your paper


Fold up the bottom third of paperĀ to cover the veg and noodles

Fold in the left and right sides of the paper


Now roll the bottom to the top, making sure to tuck in the sides well

Continue this until you’re happy with your stack of rolls

Dip in the and enjoy.. a plate of raw vegetables was never so delicious šŸ™‚






Author Matt

I started YogaHub out of a room at the back of someone else's house back in 2012 with nothing more than an idea. I'd been teaching Yoga since 2008 and had no intention of opening a Yoga Studio. I think, like everything I've done, I just decided one day I was going to give it a try. And try I did and if you're reading this I guess I'm still trying.

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