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Why do we always roll over to the right after Savasana? Personally, I have always wondered this, and thought that it was just the teacherā€™s preference of side. But there is much more to it.

Thereā€™s two reasons, one is simply because it takes pressure off your heart. The other, is a lot more interesting.

It is connected to our Nadis. Wait, what are Nadis?!

Well put simply, Nadis are a network of subtle energy channels which your prana or life force energy travels throughout your body. According to Hatha Yoga Pradipika, there are 72,000 Nadis.

There are three important Nadis, your Sushumna Nadi, Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi.

Sushumna Nadi

Is the central Nadi, that begins at the base of the spine. Prana moves up through the Sushumna Nadi, energizing the spine, nerves and brain. While this happens, it collects the pranic (life force) energy from all the other Nadis.

Ida and Pingala Nadis crisscross back and forth as they rise branching out from the Third Eye to the left and right nostril.

Pingala Nadi

Stops and starts on the right side of the body. This is also known as the sun channel or masculine energy. It conveys a strong energy and it is linked to the analytical side of our brains.

Ida Nadi

Stops and starts on the left side of the body. This is also known as the moon channel or feminine energy. It conveys a gentle energy, and calms our mind. It is linked to the creative side of our brains.

So, when we turn to our right side after Shavasana, we are showing our Ida Nadi to the universe, showing our gentler and calmer sides. While we lie on our right side, we are also using our left nostril more, which activates our Ida Nadi.

Itā€™s also very interesting to see how the Nadis effect sleep. Try sleeping on your right side or before bed, block off your right nostril so you are inhaling and exhaling through your left, do this for 3, 11 or 31 minutes and see if you sleep better.

To read more from Anna, check out her blog, or her Instagram and Facebook.