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Welcoming Brendan Harold to the Yoga Hub Family

By July 24, 2012March 7th, 2014Yoga

I tried my first yoga class more than 10 years ago. Why? Because Madonna was doing it! Sad but true! But I didn’t manage to stick it, attended 2 classes out of a course of 6. My yoga career was temporarily on pause. Fast forward 3 years, at the height of my running career and my return from the UK to Ireland, and yoga knocked on my door once again. Or more like I knocked on yoga’s door! Years of running had made hamstrings almost iron clad, and something needed to be done. Along comes my first and most treasured teacher, Michael, from Waterford. I came out of my first vinyasa flow class, dripping in sweat and aware of muscles I never knew I had. I loved it! Cut forward 2 years on, and I threw myself into 200hr yoga teacher training with Green Lotus Yoga, a course that ran over a year and shared the teaching of Krishnamacharya lineage, in particular the Iyengar and Astanga lineage. I went on and continued to teach in the vinyasa flow style, when my path was crossed by Anusara yoga. From then I have completed 2 immersion programmes, 100 hours each, and more workshops than I can remember with beautiful teachers from around the world. Despite Anusara yoga being in a state of limbo, I still continue to explore the teachings of the Universal Principles of Alignment and Tantric philospophy. That’s the great thing about yoga, it’s the gift that keeps on giving. I may not be over Madonna, my hamstrings are coming along, and it seems it’s more than my body that’s becoming flexible 😉


Author Matt

I started YogaHub out of a room at the back of someone else's house back in 2012 with nothing more than an idea. I'd been teaching Yoga since 2008 and had no intention of opening a Yoga Studio. I think, like everything I've done, I just decided one day I was going to give it a try. And try I did and if you're reading this I guess I'm still trying.

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