Based on my own experience I would like to share how a simple practise or even single pose can change your day to day life.
We can start from as little as 2-3 poses a day. It is not how complicated the practise is.
Believe me or not you can lie on your mat observing your breath or bend forward and unroll your spine with a new calm view on the day ahead of you than if you go to a sophisticated backbend and get annoyed about being not flexible enough.
Yoga is an empowering spiritual practise that leads to independence and more understanding of Your Self. It is meant to help, heal and change your reactions.
Small commitment is a huge first step.
I will introduce basic poses explaining their benefits on our body and mind and how to safely combine them into a short flow.
The workshop is appropriate to beginners and more advanced students who want to introduce yoga to a daily life.
Do your practice and all is coming.. (Sri K Patthabi Jois)
With Light and Peace
Cost: €20 Full Time Student/Unemployed €15
Start time: 2pm
Duration: 2 hours
You can book online with your Debit or Credit Card HERE (Hit Workshops and then ENROLL)