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Yoga Beyond the Mat Workshop Bank Holiday Monday Aug 6th@2pm

By August 2, 2012March 7th, 2014Meditation, Mindfulness, Pranayama, Teachers, Workshops, Yoga

An introduction to Chanting, Pranayama and Meditation

Teacher: Aiden Condron

Duration: 2 hours

Maximum for this Workshop: 10 people

Price: ā‚¬25

Asana practice, the physical poses we perform on the mat during our yoga classes, are just one of the many facets or ā€œlimbsā€ of the all-encompassing spiritual science of traditional yoga.

Yoga is a living process that radiates far beyond the mat to include the practices of Chanting based on the principles of vibrational medicine, where the primordial sound vibration is used for achieving balance and happiness. Pranayama, which literally translates as breath/life force channelling or extension denotes the ancient art of working with our vital energy or prana. Meditation, in its many forms, involves the withdrawal of the senses from external stimuli that stress the body and mind and aims to direct our focus inward on a singular point, drawing us toward profound stillness and peace.

This workshop will offer a brief theoretical overview of




followed by a practical guided session where participants will be led through a range of techniques used in these practices. Ā This session aims to provide you with a fuller context for all your future asana practice.

Bookings must be made in advance as places are limited. Bookings and any other inquiries to


Author Matt

I started YogaHub out of a room at the back of someone else's house back in 2012 with nothing more than an idea. I'd been teaching Yoga since 2008 and had no intention of opening a Yoga Studio. I think, like everything I've done, I just decided one day I was going to give it a try. And try I did and if you're reading this I guess I'm still trying.

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