STILL LIFE An Introduction to Yoga Nidra, Pranayama & Meditation A workshop with Aiden Condron In association with WHAT IS YOGA? Yoga is a spiritual science developed over thousands of years by the sages of India. The Sanskrit word yoga has the literal meaning “to yoke”, from the root yuj meaning to join, to unite, harmonise. Yoga is comprised of eight ālimbsā as set down by the great sage and father of yoga Patanjali in the 10th century. These are:…
Joe Saflund teaches Yoga Nidra at the Yoga Hub every Friday at 7.15pm. You can find out more about Yoga Nidra HEREĀ and purchase a drop in pass for ā¬7 (Half Price) HERE. The Desais “Yoga Nidra” from Omega Institute on Vimeo.