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8 Ways to Cultivate a Home Yoga Practice

By Dublin, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga

8 Ways to Cultivate a Home Yoga PracticeĀ  You asked – and we have provided! Last week we asked what topics you Yogahubbers would like to see more of on the blog, and a surprising amount of you expressed an interest in learning more about how to more effectively cultivate a home yoga practice. While thereā€™s nothing that can quite replicate attending your favourite class or a certain teacherā€™s weekly flow, sometimes we simply cannot make it into the studio…

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My Yoga Is Way Better Than Yours!

By Yoga

I don’t know how many times I have heard, ‘What style do you teach?’ while I was teaching a lot of Yoga classes. Now at the studio it’s, ‘What style’s do you have?’ We have so many people arriving at the studio with past experiences with all kinds of Yoga styles. Usually, there is only one Yoga for each person who asks either of these questions at that time and the rest………..well let’s just say the rest are the rest….

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