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running and yoga

A Yogi’s Intro to Running

By Beginners, Healthy, Injury, Laura Linehan, Mental Health, Motivational, Pranayama, Wellbeing

I recently started running – and I absolutely love it. I already feel I can breathe more deeply after a run, and I’m full of lots of feel-good endorphins, helping me to stay motivated and strong. I know I’m a little late to the party – lots of yogis are runners and lots of runners are yogis. For good reason – there are many ways these two practices can be complementary. Here are my four highlights so far.  Muscular endurance…

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Making Time for Yoga When Life Gets Busy

By Laura Linehan, Mental Health, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga

There are times when everyone hits a bit of a yoga slump, when your schedule starts to fill up and making time for your yoga practice takes a back seat. The immediate things (texts, emails, work engagements) overpower the important things (health, happiness, peace of mind) and you start to feel a little ‘off’ and don’t know why. When this happens, you might notice a quiet little voice in your head saying ‘slow down’ which you promptly ignore because oh-look-my-phone-beeped-must-answer-now….

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