For many people, reading is an integral part of learning about anything we are interested in. I believe every yogi should read the following books to learn more about this practice that we all love. These books are for everyone and not just for those who are doing their yoga teacher training, just click on the pictures for a direct link to buy the books. Light on Yoga, by B.K.S. Iyengar In each chapter, Iyengar digs a little deeper into…

The throat chakra The throat chakra – or Vishuddha – is home to our communication – both speaking andĀ listening –Ā and self-expression. It extends from our throat to include our neck, jaw muscles, and thyroid, and physical ailments in these areas can be the result of a blocked throat chakra. When our throat chakra is blocked, we find it difficult to speak our truth, maybe out of fear. We also have a harder time actually realising what our truth even is….

I have been watching Michael Stone’s videos, listening to his podcasts and reading his books for about 2 years now. Very very much looking forward to his next visit (tbc). Thanks so much to Gavin Hoffman for all his editting work on the videos.
I could listen to Michael all day. If you have any level of practice or are interested in starting give this very informative video a watch. Om, Matt The Yoga Hub