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tadasana feet

‘Root to Rise’ – What It Means and Why It Matters

By Asana, Balance, Beginners, Laura Linehan, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Subtle Body
A lot of teachers use the expression ‘root to rise’ in their classes but what does it mean? When I was new to yoga, I was pretty dismissive of this. It sounded a little flowery to me. Then one day during a slower class, I found myself feeling much more grounded and firmer in my foundation than ever before, and I finally understood the expression. Ever since then, this simple expression guides how I practice and teach, because it adds...
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5 Tips to Master Tree Pose

By Asana, Balance, Beginners, Laura Linehan, Yoga

Tree pose is one of those yoga poses we see really often in advertising and the media, it is the archetypal ‘yoga pose’ known by most people, whether or not they practice which means we can overlook it and all its subtleties when we delve into this posture on the mat.  It’s a wonderfully grounding and balancing pose, helping us to learn how to find a peaceful focus in the present moment as we balance on one foot. But it…

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yoga for athletes2

Yoga for Injury Prevention and Recovery

By Asana, Balance, Flexibility, Injury, Laura Linehan, Mindfulness, Wellbeing

More and more people are turning to yoga to help prevent and recover from injuries as doctors, physiotherapists and trainers are increasingly aware of the positive benefits of a long-term yoga practice. As yoga enters the sports arena (so to speak) it is becoming another key tool for athletes and those who are looking to maintain their fitness in a way that will complement their injury prevention or recovery plan. In terms of injury prevention, yoga is an excellent way…

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Simple Tips to Improve Your Balance

By Asana, Balance, Dublin, Laura Linehan, Motivational, Students, Wellbeing, Yoga

I love balancing postures in yoga. The effort of maintaining the pose makes it a great chance to practice mindfulness by focusing all attention on the present moment. It’s not always such a picture perfect moment though…  balancing postures can bring up frustration if we’re having an ‘off day’ or working on building strength or recovering from an injury. So here are a few simple tips to help improve your balance if you’re finding it tricky. Increase your surface area….

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vata dosha

Vata Dosha Explained – The Anxious Creative

By Ayurveda, Food, Healthy, Yoga

Vata Dosha Explained The Anxious Creative What is the Vata dosha? Our last post explained what it means to be aware of our ayurvedic dosha type, and why it’s important for us to remain balanced. If you’ve taken the tests you might now be aware if you’re Vata, Pitta, or Kapha type. If not, you can find out here. This week we’re exploring what it means to be a Vata-dominant type!   Vata Dosha Attributes Those with a dominant Vata…

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doshas ayurveda

What Are the Doshas, and Why Are They Important?

By Ayurveda, Dublin, Food, Healthy, Meditation, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

What Are the Doshas?? Some of us may have a vague inclination as to what the 3 doshas are, however it’s rare we get the opportunity to delve deeper into our individual constitution. In this series of blog posts we hope to help you understand further what it means to be a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha type, and also what this means in terms of your daily habits, tendencies, and unique composition. The Doshas and Ayurveda Ayurvedic medicine holds that…

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How The Heck Do I Start Practicing Mindfulness? And Why Do I Need to?

By Dublin, Matt Quigley, Meditation, Mindfulness, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Wouldn’t it be great to be completely aware of our actions rather than just acting them out? Or better still wouldn’t it be amazing if we learned to stop ourselves before we said or did something that we’ll either immediately or shortly after regret? And if you don’t know what I’m talking about at all maybe you know about thinking about something that worries you or stresses you out to the point where you don’t feel like you’re anything else…

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