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yoga life

What a Month in India Taught Me About Yoga

By Ireland, Mindfulness, Yoga

What a Month in India Taught me About Yoga * Before I begin I want to make clear that the views expressed here are purely objective and that I’m only going on what I experienced, not an in-depth study or survey. ‘What are the differences between practicing yoga in the West and practicing in India?’ This is a question I’ve been asked quite regularly in recent weeks, having embarked on a solo trip with no definitive end on the basis…

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6 Easy Ways to Start a Yoga Practice Anywhere

By Matt Quigley, Mindfulness, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

It’s never been easier to start a Yoga practice with so many tools online and Yoga studios opening up everywhere. If we were to look at even 20 years ago you’d probably have to get to a library in the hope that they’d have one or two books on Yoga and you’d end up analysing the poses by yourself with no instruction or guidance. Well we’re now in the information age and it has never been easier to find anything…

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