‘You must have chaos within you to give birth to a dancing star.’ Friedrich Nietzche Another kind submission by Lisa Quish.
So What’s with all this Hot Yoga? There’s a very good chance you’ve read that Craigslist yoga mat ad. If not – you should – it’s fairly funny. Here it is at MindBodyGreen. This ad very much confirmed my preconceptions about hot yoga and after a long period of raising eyebrows and sticking up my nose at the very concept of hot yoga, I attended a class at the Hot YogaHub. I am not going to lie. You will sweat…
Haven’t been on this Blog in a while. Took some time out for myself after the first Year of all things Yoga Hub. Time to pause, time to reflect, time for me. I hope you manage to do the same in whatever way works for you. I have finally registered for what in the past I thought was unthinkable and now feel that it is the right time and, in fact, I can’t wait. Drumroll – Vippasana. If you’re not…
Not long ago I was in a yoga class where the teacher asked my classmates and I what we preferred to work on, upper body/arms or hips. As the Yoga Hub is an intimate studio and tends to have a good gender balance in class, it was very clear who chose arms (men) and who chose hips (women). Not only were we playing to gender stereotypes of man strong & woman emotional – it is said that we humans hold…
Eureka moments come when you least expect them. I was having a hopeless moment in Ardha Chandrasana (Half-Moon Pose). In these hopeless moments I am usually thinking any and/or all of the following: “Am I doing this right? I am definitely not doing this right.” “Why doesn’t the teacher correct me or tell me I am doing it right?” “I’m hopeless and they could spend the whole class correcting me and I still won’t get it right.” “Why the f*** am…

Life is full of uncertainty and yet everything about nature is uncertain and we love her We are inspired by her moods, love the rumble of thunder followed by the heat of the sun or the mystery of the fog as it creeps up around us at sunrise. So why each day do we not begin by reminding ourselves that change does not have to be disturbing and reconnect Taste the Rain Touch the Wind Smell the Earth See things…
Yogi Vishvketu (Vishva-ji) has studied and practiced Hatha and Raja yoga and the Vedic healing arts in northern India since childhood. From the age of 8, he studied Vedic wisdom at Kanvashram in the foothills of the Himalayas. With its historic temple and Ayurvedic clinic, Kanvashram attracts many yogic saints and Ayurvedic masters, and was an ideal place to absorb these ancient healing and consciousness-raising traditions. Vishva went on to attain a Bachelor’s degree from a renowned Sports College with a…