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Flexibility Vs. Strength In Yoga

By Asana, Dublin, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Students, Teachers, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

There are so many people who start yoga with the intention of gaining flexibility. While this is a huge benefit from keeping a consistent yoga practice, it’s not the only thing thing that your body will gain from learning asanas and yoga sequences. Would you believe that, in terms of keeping a sustainable, healthy yoga practice, strength building is equally as important as gaining flexibility? There is a saying from a book written more than 1,700 years ago in regards…

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YogaHub Teachers’ Favourite Tunes To Yoga To: Part V

By Dublin, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Music, Rachelle Hicks, Students, Teachers, Yoga, YogaHub

It’s been a while since we published a new YogaHub Teachers’ playlist. We hope you’ve enjoyed listening to our past playlists, I, II, III, and IV. And now, with 2 new studios and a few new teachers, we’re ready for some new tunes. Check out the songs below and have a listen on our Spotify playlist. Aisling Milne – “Oxide” Niklas Aman Art – “Things Left Unsaid” Pink Floyd Brian – “Elegia” New Order Casey – “Om Namo Narayani” Edo…

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Where Is This “Present Moment” Anyway?

By Dublin, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

I was speaking with a friend the other day about a situation that was bringing up a lot of anxiety. After a while, we both started to laugh about where the present moment was when this seemingly so problem felt so big. I think we all have these times. On occasion, the present moment seems totally there–maybe while you’re in your yoga class, or while you’re having fun talking to a friend, or doing an activity you really enjoy. But other…

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To Remember Simple Things

By Dublin, Humour, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Teachers, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

There are so many times I need to remind myself to remember and enjoy the simple things. These times are a proper stop-in-my-tracks kind of reminder. And what I’m always so surprisingly surprised about is how these reminders of simple things can be found in the simplest of places. There’s a security guard who works near my apartment. I pass him most days and wave. On occasion, we’ll talk, but often I’ll cut the conversation short or it will go…

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4 Ways To Find Time To Meditate

By Dublin, Healthy, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Pranayama, Rachelle Hicks, Teachers, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

I once read a quote that said, “Meditate for an hour everyday. Unless you’re too busy. In that case, meditate for two.” For many of us, it’s not meditating that’s difficult. It’s finding the time to do it. While taking a long period of time to meditate can seem virtuous, it’s not always practical to keep up. Try out the following ways of managing your time to include meditation in your every day. 1 – Start early. Meditation is something…

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5 Yoga Poses For An Open Heart

By Asana, Dublin, Healthy, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Students, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

The heart is known as our seat of compassion. It’s where we love from. It’s what floods us with joy when our heart beams. Physiologically, the heart is connected to our central immune system. Just at the centre of the chest is the Thymus Gland. This gland is our immune regulator. Additionally, the area of the heart is connected to the lungs and our breath. So when we do heart openers, we are working with expanding and clarifying the breath,…

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How Yoga Helps Boost Self-Confidence

By Asana, Dublin, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Students, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Do you remember your first yoga class? Do you ever remember trying a new pose or a sequence and laughing to yourself about what-on-earth it was that you were doing? I think we’ve all had these moments at one point or another. It’s that little thought of being silly or moving your body in a way you’ve never tried before. Yoga is FULL of poses and practices that may, at first, make you feel a little strange. But the beauty…

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What Is Restorative Yoga?

By Asana, Dublin, Healthy, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Restorative, Students, Teachers, Wellbeing, Workshops, Yoga, YogaHub

Find out more about Barbara and her upcoming Restorative Yoga workshop through our Q and A below! Hello Barbara! So, what is Restorative Yoga? There’s a quote from the renowned Restorative Yoga teacher, Judit Lasater that I like “We work very hard in our lives, and while we may sleep, we rarely take time to relax. Restorative yoga poses help us learn to rest deeply and completely.” And that, in a nutshell is was restorative yoga is: a slow, gentle…

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5 Yoga Poses You Can Do Anywhere Without A Mat

By Asana, Dublin, Humour, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Students, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Have you ever been in the park, or on the beach, or just in your kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil, and thought, “hmm, I’d like to do about 1 minute of yoga now.” Here are a few yoga poses that you can do almost anywhere, without any props or a mat: Arms Overhead, with Slight Back Bend This one is great for expanding the breath, and getting a wonderful stretch along the back, spine and torso. Remain with…

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4 Benefits Of Hot Yoga

By Dublin, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Students, Teachers, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

During these summer days, nearly every yoga class feels like a hot yoga class! Whether you’re a hot yoga junkie, or you’re simply curious, here are some benefits to know about adding a bit of hot to your yoga. 1 – The heat can aid in flexibility. The heat in a hot yoga class helps to relax and rejuvenate muscles, similar to the feeling you’d get after taking a bath or being in a sauna. Of course, hot yoga is…

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