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You do Enough

By Teachers, Wellbeing, Yoga

Haven’t been on this Blog in a while. Took some time out for myself after the first Year of all things Yoga Hub. Time to pause, time to reflect, time for me. I hope you manage to do the same in whatever way works for you. I have finally registered for what in the past I thought was unthinkable and now feel that it is the right time and, in fact, I can’t wait. Drumroll – Vippasana. If you’re not…

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Still Life: An Introduction to Meditation

By Meditation, Mindfulness, Teachers, Workshops, Yoga

STILL LIFE An Introduction to Yoga Nidra, Pranayama & Meditation A workshop with Aiden Condron In association with WHAT IS YOGA? Yoga is a spiritual science developed over thousands of years by the sages of India. The Sanskrit word yoga has the literal meaning “to yoke”, from the root yuj meaning to join, to unite, harmonise. Yoga is comprised of eight ā€˜limbsā€™ as set down by the great sage and father of yoga Patanjali in the 10th century. These are:…

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