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Yoga Hub

Welcoming Menchu Hernandez to the Yoga Hub

By Teachers, Yoga

Yoga for me is self exploration. I deeply believe that however I conduct myself on the mat is a metaphor of how I conduct myself in daily life; the mat is for me both a diary and a teacher; and also a healer. My two guides are ahimsa (compassion) and anicca (impermance), and my personal struggle is tapa (self-disciple), which makes me an eternal student. I am indebted to my own teachers, who showed me this path of self-knowledge; teaching…

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Welcoming Johanna Varghese to the Yoga Hub. Johanna starts teaching Nov 14th

By Teachers, Yoga

Johanna Varghese has been practicing Yoga since 1995 and teaching since 2003. She taught with Yoga Ireland and Dublin Buddhist Centre and qualified with Contemporary Yoga in 2005. In 2007 she studied the principles of vinyasa-krama in the tradition of Viniyoga and lineage of Desikachar on the Sadhana Mala course with Dave Charlton, Ranju Roy and Hanna Gillespie of Clonlea Yoga Studio. She has also taken classes with Dave Curtis focusing on safe Asana practice. Johanna has worked with children…

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Welcoming Hannah Johari to the Yoga Hub Family

By Teachers

I was a student of Pilates for 4 years before committing myself to get my qualification and start teaching. I decided to start teaching Pilates as it had such a positive effect on my life and I wanted to pass that on to others.  Pilates was originally named “contrology”, it consisted of 34 matwork movements which have been modified over the years but the core of the exercises remain the same. Joseph Pilates himself said “In 10 sessions you’ll feel…

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Welcome to our New Home

By Yoga

Come on in. Leave your shoes at the door. I’ll get you a Chai while you warm yourself by the fire. You’re very welcome to the Yoga Hub’s new (Blog) home. We’re still moving stuff in and cleaning the place up so the place doesn’t look what it could be yet but it’s got potential. So now you know where to find us don’t be a stranger. Rock by for a chat anytime about Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, Wellbeing, Health, Nutrition,…

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