I have been watching Michael Stone’s videos, listening to his podcasts and reading his books for about 2 years now. Very very much looking forward to his next visit (tbc). Thanks so much to Gavin Hoffman for all his editting work on the videos.
I have been watching Michael Stone’s videos, listening to his podcasts and reading his books for about 2 years now. Very very much looking forward to his next visit (tbc). Thanks so much to Gavin Hoffman for all his editting work on the videos.
Here’s a Link to our September Newsletter Kathryn arrives next week to teach some amazing Workshops in Dublin. Not to be missed. Yoga Hub Members if you haven’t registered yet get in touch info@theyogahub.ie. We’ll be hitting the Airwaves from next week as we begin our partnership with long time friends and general all round legends Radiomade. To include interviews with Teachers, Therapists, Healers, Activists along with anything else of interest to the Yoga Hub Teachers and students. So…
So What’s with all this Hot Yoga? There’s a very good chance you’ve read that Craigslist yoga mat ad. If not – you should – it’s fairly funny. Here it is at MindBodyGreen. This ad very much confirmed my preconceptions about hot yoga and after a long period of raising eyebrows and sticking up my nose at the very concept of hot yoga, I attended a class at the Hot YogaHub. I am not going to lie. You will sweat…
Yogi Vishvketu (Vishva-ji) has studied and practiced Hatha and Raja yoga and the Vedic healing arts in northern India since childhood. From the age of 8, he studied Vedic wisdom at Kanvashram in the foothills of the Himalayas. With its historic temple and Ayurvedic clinic, Kanvashram attracts many yogic saints and Ayurvedic masters, and was an ideal place to absorb these ancient healing and consciousness-raising traditions. Vishva went on to attain a Bachelor’s degree from a renowned Sports College with a…
Last night we rolled ourselves out and as we lay supine we lovingly rocked around the edges of our heart shape bone from North to South and East to West; we drew the sweetness of the inhale from crown to tail and the lightness of the exhale from muladahara to sahaswara. We flowed like light and gave love, gave our hearts away (to the sound of McYogi). We placed our hands under our hearts, yielded to the softness of the…
Thinking of you and your journey. Be gentle with yourself. Have a great week, Matt:)
Meghan Currie at the Yoga Hub March 2013 When I teach I let go as much as possible so I may be an open channel for creative energy to pass through Every student is everyones teacher so I plug my heart into everyone and do my best to translate the teachings which present themselves in the moment I believe it’s not all up to me. Like any recipe, there must be just the right amount of all the ingredients to…