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matt quigley

What Happens When You Stop Complaining Part 2.

By Matt Quigley, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

So it’s a week after my first blog and setting the intention to stop complaining and I did not think I’d come to such a massive realisation. Or realisations even! This year for me has been all about setting intentions and trying to be a better version of myself. The major wins have been in seeing just how powerful setting intentions are. What I first noticed after setting the intention to stop complaining, as I wrote about in Part 1,…

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YogaHub is Only Positive Vibes

By HappyFood, Matt Quigley, Mindfulness, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

‘Dwell with the beauty of life. Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them.’ Marcus Aurelius, Meditations.    I’ll keep saying it until I’m blue in the face and Why? Because there will never ever be enough of it around. I make mistakes. I get things wrong. Every day is a new opportunity to be better though and that’s all I care about. I care about being better tomorrow than I am today. Is YogaHub the best Yoga studio…

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Mindfulness and Me. One Simple Tip That Helped Me Might Help You.

By Meditation, Mindfulness, Restorative, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

  A few months ago I had an episode which was the beginning of the change in my life for the better. I had pretty much  3 years of perpetual ‘fight-or-flight mode’ from when I started YogaHub right up until this day. I think it was back in March. This episode was brought about by everything becoming more organised and under control. The managers had joined YogaHub and roles were delegated out and everything around me was calming down and…

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2 Things to Keep in Mind when Peeps are Unkind!

By Dublin, Mindfulness, Yoga, YogaHub

    Have you ever heard something negative about someone and you immediately conjure up a pretty involved story only to later discover that that’s all it was…………..a story! And what about a story where this guy or girl is being unkind to you to say the least (I’m sure you can think of one or two either right now or in the past) and in your mind’s storybook you’ve cast as ‘the villain’. And you the victim. And the more…

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3 Things You Should Know before Opening a Yoga Studio (Or Any Other Business)

By Dublin, Ireland, Matt Quigley, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Holy Cow where do I even start? We’re 14 months old at our new studio in Dublin City Centre. In this space of time we’ve grown from me running around teaching Yoga and employing a few other teachers to thankfully having a management team of 5 full-time, quite a few part-time reception staff and over 30 teachers. On top of that there are 2 full time employees running Happy Food (our Vegan Cafe) with part time member of staff helping…

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