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How to sneak some yoga goodness into your work day

By Dublin, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Just can’t wait for your after-work yoga class, or can’t make the time to squeeze in a lunchtime flow? We feel you. Here are 5 simple yoga poses that you can easily squeeze into your working day – without getting too much attention from your co-workers. Seated side bend Easy peasy – and no-one will even notice what you’re up to. When we’re hunching over our desks and computers – as we tend to do – the side body can suffer….

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What exactly is Ujjayi breath?

By Dublin, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Have you heard your yoga teacher mention Ujjayi breath in class, but you haven’t been sure exactly what they’re talking about? Never fear – we’re here to break it down for you 🙂 What it is Ujjayi breath – which translates as Victorious Breath – is a specific way of breathing that warms your entire body and helps you to connect more deeply with your physical yoga practice. How to do it To utilise Ujjayi breath, you need to create a…

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One Mistake Most of Us Make on Our Mats

By Asana, Dublin, Laura Linehan, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Pranayama, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

We all hear the teacher tell us to inhale, and to exhale, and we follow along. We then get to a standing posture, or a challenging posture – and what do we do? We stop breathing. Whether it’s holding our breath or going back to shallow breathing, we lose the rhythm of the breath that we had at the start of class. So what’s all the fuss about? What differentiates yoga asana from most other forms of physical activity is…

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5 ways to practice self-love this Valentine’s Day

By Yoga

Hi Yogis! It’s the month of all things L-O-V-E – And we’re here to give you some tips on tending to the most important relationship in your life – the one you have with yourself! (Cheesy, I know, but hey. It’s Valentine’s day.) Why not devote this Valentine’s Day to self-love, self-care, and doing all the things that YOU really love? Here are our favourite ways to practice self-love. Treat yo’self! Take a leaf out of Donna and Tom’s book…

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5 tips to get yourself out of bed and into morning yoga

By Dublin, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

We all – or a lot of us, anyway – love the idea of morning yoga. Starting your day off with a room full of like-minded yogis, flowing on your mat, and connecting body and breath. Heaven, right? Except sometimes – especially when it’s still dark when the alarm goes off and you can hear rain pouring outside – that idea just doesn’t become reality. Much as we might want it to! So here are our top 5 tips for…

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Why do we always roll over to the right after Savasana?

By Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Subtle Body, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Why do we always roll over to the right after Savasana? Personally, I have always wondered this, and thought that it was just the teacher’s preference of side. But there is much more to it. There’s two reasons, one is simply because it takes pressure off your heart. The other, is a lot more interesting. It is connected to our Nadis. Wait, what are Nadis?! Well put simply, Nadis are a network of subtle energy channels which your prana or…

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What exactly is Yin yoga – and why should you practice it?

By Dublin, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub
Yin yoga is a unique style of yoga that works your body and mind in a totally different way from other classes. Find out why you should try it out! What exactly is Yin yoga? In a general flow yoga class, we target our muscles. Yin yoga goes deeper to target deep connective tissue in the body including ligaments, bones, and joints. As opposed to a more active flow class, yin yoga involves passive stretching – most of which happens...
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Yoga for mental health

Yoga and Mental Health

By Meditation, Mental Health, Mindfulness, Wellbeing, Yoga

Hello my wonderful new yogi friends, as you can guess from the title, this blog post will be discussing how yoga can help with your mental health! My name is Anna and I am the newest contributor for this wonderful YogaHub blog. My posts will range from Asanas to Yoga Philosophy to Spirituality, as these are what I am deeply interested in at the moment. This week though I want to talk about how yoga can help with mental health….

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Autumn Yoga

4 Poses For Relaxing Into Autumn

By Asana, Dublin, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Restorative, Students, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

As the weather sets in for autumn, you may notice your body and your mind being swept up with the change. After an active summer, it may be hard to slow down to the pace of autumn. As the late sunny nights of summer die off, the feeling in the air is more of introspection and getting cosy and snug indoors. Check out the following poses for helping to stay grounded and joyful through the transition: Cow Face Pose –…

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Want more love in your life? Here’s how to open your heart chakra.

By Asana, Dublin, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Anahata – the heart chakra Here we are – chakra number four! Anahata, more commonly known as the heart chakra, is situated in the centre of your chest. Radiating out from both the front body and the back body, Anahata marks the movement from a more physical element to a more spiritual one as we travel up through the chakra system. We feel a lot of vulnerability in the heart chakra, and so we often close it off and guard…

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