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Simple Yoga Poses to Refresh Your Mood

By Asana, Laura Linehan, Motivational, Wellbeing

With the recent snow storm, you might have found yourself cooped up indoors for a lot of last week, which can affect your mood and your body in lots of different ways. If you’re surfacing back into the world today and you’re back to your regular work-week, your muscles might be a little tight. Here are a few simple yoga poses you can do anywhere to get your body moving again and refresh your mood.  Shoulder rolls – this is…

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What’s Up With Downward Dog?

By Asana, Yoga

Downward facing dog is one of the most common yoga poses, and it would be pretty rare to have a class without it, for many reasons. It’s one of the best overall body stretches you can do, as well as strengthening key muscle groups, and helping to reduce stress and anxiety. So if you’ve been doing yoga for more than 10 minutes of your life, more than likely you’ve been told to ‘relax back into downdog.’ However, when I started…

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Why do we always roll over to the right after Savasana?

By Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Subtle Body, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Why do we always roll over to the right after Savasana? Personally, I have always wondered this, and thought that it was just the teacher’s preference of side. But there is much more to it. There’s two reasons, one is simply because it takes pressure off your heart. The other, is a lot more interesting. It is connected to our Nadis. Wait, what are Nadis?! Well put simply, Nadis are a network of subtle energy channels which your prana or…

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Having Trouble Speaking Your Truth? Your Throat Chakra Could Beed Some Tuning Up. Here’s How.

By Asana, Ayurveda, Dublin, Healthy, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

The throat chakra The throat chakra – or Vishuddha – is home to our communication – both speaking and listening – and self-expression. It extends from our throat to include our neck, jaw muscles, and thyroid, and physical ailments in these areas can be the result of a blocked throat chakra. When our throat chakra is blocked, we find it difficult to speak our truth, maybe out of fear. We also have a harder time actually realising what our truth even is….

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10 Yogi Tips to get the most out of your first yoga class

By Yoga

When it comes to trying out your first yoga class, not knowing what to expect, what to wear, or what to do can be a bit nerve-wracking. But never fear! We’re here to guide you through our top 10 tips that will help you get the most out of your class, and go in feeling confident and excited. And leave feeling better than ever!   First things first. Say hello! On your first class, it’s important that the teacher knows that…

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Autumn Yoga

4 Poses For Relaxing Into Autumn

By Asana, Dublin, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Restorative, Students, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

As the weather sets in for autumn, you may notice your body and your mind being swept up with the change. After an active summer, it may be hard to slow down to the pace of autumn. As the late sunny nights of summer die off, the feeling in the air is more of introspection and getting cosy and snug indoors. Check out the following poses for helping to stay grounded and joyful through the transition: Cow Face Pose –…

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Want more love in your life? Here’s how to open your heart chakra.

By Asana, Dublin, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Anahata – the heart chakra Here we are – chakra number four! Anahata, more commonly known as the heart chakra, is situated in the centre of your chest. Radiating out from both the front body and the back body, Anahata marks the movement from a more physical element to a more spiritual one as we travel up through the chakra system. We feel a lot of vulnerability in the heart chakra, and so we often close it off and guard…

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Why do yogis say OOOOOOOOMMMMM?

By Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Students, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

For lots of us, the sound Om probably conjures up lots of images like this: Which is not necessarily the most relatable visual for many of us who are squeezing ourselves into a 6pm Flow class after a long day at work. But Om is, by its very definition, for everyone. So let’s dig a little deeper, past the clichĂ©s and the stereotypes, and find out what it is about this sound that makes it so magical. If you’ve ever attended a…

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Get grounded with Muladhara – The Root Chakra

By Asana, Ayurveda, Dublin, Healthy, Meditation, Mindfulness, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Muladhara The root chakra, or Muladhara, is located at your tailbone, and extends to include your legs and feet. Representing the beginning of your spiritual development, the root chakra is literally your root, your base, there to ground you. Representing who you are at your core, who and what you trust, and your sense of belonging and tradition, the root chakra’s desire is survival, self-sufficiency, and stability. It governs how we deal with things like family, money, basic needs, and…

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Yoga Studios & Health Food CafĂ©s – A Match Made in Marketing Heaven?

By Food, Mindfulness, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Yoga Studios and Health Food CafĂ©s – A Match Made in Marketing Heaven? While it may seem that every second yoga studio is now all of a sudden expanding and exhaling coffee machines, fruit juicers, tables, chairs and funky hipster tunes from the depths of their cashew-nut strewn duffel bags, the trend of new health food cafĂ©s emerging in cohorts with yoga studios nowadays has far deeper-rooted sit bones than you may think. One thing yoga teaches us is to…

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