I’m a Shiny New Yoga Teacher – Here’s 5 Things I Know (And More Importantly Some Things I Don’t Know) The first thing you will realise at the beginning of any yoga teacher training course, no matter how many years you’ve been practicing yoga or in how many different countries you’ve travelled, classes you’ve attended or new styles you’ve tried, is how little you actually know about it. Don’t get me wrong here; I simply mean that there is just…
8 Ways to Cultivate a Home Yoga Practice You asked – and we have provided! Last week we asked what topics you Yogahubbers would like to see more of on the blog, and a surprising amount of you expressed an interest in learning more about how to more effectively cultivate a home yoga practice. While there’s nothing that can quite replicate attending your favourite class or a certain teacher’s weekly flow, sometimes we simply cannot make it into the studio…
What a Month in India Taught me About Yoga * Before I begin I want to make clear that the views expressed here are purely objective and that I’m only going on what I experienced, not an in-depth study or survey. ‘What are the differences between practicing yoga in the West and practicing in India?’ This is a question I’ve been asked quite regularly in recent weeks, having embarked on a solo trip with no definitive end on the basis…
I am delighted to say that I am halfway through my 200 hour yoga teacher training program at YogaHub. The course began in September 2015 and runs for one weekend a month until June 2016. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience to date although at certain points it has been challenging. Here are a couple of valuable lessons that I have learnt during the training process. Learning and development begins outside your comfort zone On the first Friday evening of…
It’s never been easier to start a Yoga practice with so many tools online and Yoga studios opening up everywhere. If we were to look at even 20 years ago you’d probably have to get to a library in the hope that they’d have one or two books on Yoga and you’d end up analysing the poses by yourself with no instruction or guidance. Well we’re now in the information age and it has never been easier to find anything…
Follow the Image for 1 Breath, 2 Breaths or as long as you can and see how it affects your mood, your thoughts and your body. Try it now and come back to me Feel any different? More relaxed, centred, calm? We all have the tool of our breath and we have it available to us at any given moment. As you take your awareness to your…
I don’t pretend to be Eckhart Tolle or DeePak Chopra (if you don’t know who these people are don’t worry about it). Sure I own a Yoga Studio (YogaHub) and have been a Yoga Teacher since about 2008 and although you might think all I eat is lettuce, I can wrap both legs around my head and I meditate from 3am to 4.30am every morning after standing on my head I can assure you I struggle with routine just as…
When I did my first training to become a Yoga Teacher I had never been to a Yoga Studio and I didn’t have a clue about the whole ‘Yoga Industry’ as it wasn’t something I was interested in. I was just interested in the practice and didn’t care whether I was practicing beside 30 men or 30 women. And it’s just as well as when I arrived at Anand Prikash Ashram in Rishikesh I was the only man in our…
Wouldn’t it be great to be completely aware of our actions rather than just acting them out? Or better still wouldn’t it be amazing if we learned to stop ourselves before we said or did something that we’ll either immediately or shortly after regret? And if you don’t know what I’m talking about at all maybe you know about thinking about something that worries you or stresses you out to the point where you don’t feel like you’re anything else…
So it’s a week after my first blog and setting the intention to stop complaining and I did not think I’d come to such a massive realisation. Or realisations even! This year for me has been all about setting intentions and trying to be a better version of myself. The major wins have been in seeing just how powerful setting intentions are. What I first noticed after setting the intention to stop complaining, as I wrote about in Part 1,…