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Suzanne McGill

Sound Bath

What is a Sound Bath?

By Yoga

What is a Sound Bath? by Tom Toher Imagine being immersed in beautiful sounds that are healing for your body, mind and spirit. A Sound Bath is a wonderful experience in sound and vibration. Everything in the Universe, including our body, is composed of energy. All energy is in a constant state of vibration. Everything that vibrates produces a frequency and therefore a sound. Every organ and every cell in our body vibrates at a particular frequency and produces its…

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Yogahub Welcomes Physical Therapist Joseph Devlin

By Yoga

  Welcome to the team Joseph! We would like to Welcome Physical Therapist, Joseph Devlin, to the Yogahub Family. Ā In addition to teaching workshops, he will be providing physical therapy sessions at our Camden Street studio.     Who is he? After 7 years of running a successful sports massage practice in Aberdeen, working with some of Scotland’s top athletes, Joseph returned home to Ireland to pursue a career and life closer to his family. Ā In addition to his professional…

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Yoga Teacher Training Dublin

An Interview with Yogahub Lead Teacher Trainer Guylaine Williams

By Yoga

We welcome Guylaine Williams back to YogaHub this Summer to lead our 200hr Yoga teacher training intensive July 15th to August 9th. With over 18 years teaching experience under her belt, Guylaine is now considered a master teacher inĀ  herĀ home country, Canada. We asked her a few questions to get a better idea of her own experience with Yoga. Can you tell us a little bit about your own Yoga journey? My interest in yoga began in high school at…

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Yoga Poses Tight Hips

3 Yoga Poses for Tight Hips

By Yoga

Tight hips are a common complaint for a lot of people who come to Yoga. Sedentary lifestyles donā€™t help. Sitting for long periods of time can weaken our hip flexors and glutes. However, surprisingly enough, even those who run/walk/cycle regularly will probably suffer from tight hips, as the range of motion from the hip socket is constantly the same. So yeah, tight hips are pretty normal! There are so many Yoga poses that help open up tight hips. Iā€™ve listed…

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Benefits of Yoga Yogahub

10 Awesome Benefits of Yoga

By Yoga

Yoga has SO many awesome benefits, but for the sake of keeping things simple I’ve broken down my top ten. Enjoy! Ā  Ā  Ā  1. You practice Mindfulness without even knowing it. The majority of Yoga classes will incorporate some form of meditation/breathwork, movement Ā and finish with 5-10 minutes of relaxation. Whether a 40 minute express class or a 2 hour workshop. Youā€™ll find yourself becoming fully present in what you are doing during your time on the mat. Increased…

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