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How to Practice Gratitude in Any Situation

By Matt Quigley, Mindfulness, Motivational, Yoga

“There is not much talk about the clouds that are visible up here. No one seems to think it remarkable that somewhere above an ocean we are flying past a vast white candy-floss island that would have made a perfect seat for an angel or even God himself in a painting by Piero della Francesca. In the cabin, no one stands up to announce with requisite emphasis that if we look out the window, we will see that we are…

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Routine is King: 5 Ways To Create Your Perfect Day – YogaHub

By Dublin, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Wellbeing, Yoga

My daily routine is vitally important. By following a consistent daily schedule I am in complete control of whether or not I have a good day. My routine is most important from Monday to Friday as I have to make the time to do the things I love before work. Here are a few things I have applied to my daily life in order to enhance my physical and mental health. 1. Get up early This takes work and commitment….

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Raw Vegan Lemon Cheesecake

By Dublin, Food, HappyFood, Ireland, Jenny O'Neill, Mindfulness, Recipes, Vegan, Wellbeing

A few weeks ago I was going to a birthday dinner, a 24th birthday, where 5 out of the 10 there were vegan, the rest avid carnivores. I volunteered to make the birthday cake, someone suggested cheesecake so I thought here’s my chance to show the meat eaters how amazing vegan food is (on the sly) This is a combination of a few recipes I’d watched on Youtube before and mostly just me making it up on the spot. I’m…

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New Year’s Resolutions Overload? 7 Tricks to Get You Back On Track

By Matt Quigley, Mindfulness, Motivational, Yoga

So how are you getting on with that New Year’s Resolution? Did you even get a start on it? Or if you did are you keeping it up? Let me tell you something. If we were all so super good at setting intentions like New Year’s Resolutions then there would be no need for them as we’d be on top of it not just in January but all year long! There are definitely some things we’re much better at than…

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The City Commute: How To Stay Sane In The Fast Lane!

By Dublin, Mindfulness, Wellbeing

I just arrived in the door this evening after facing my twice daily bike ride from my apartment in Sydney Parade to my place of work on Harcourt Street. Being a young man from Sligo it took me until my late twenties to eventually pluck up the courage to invest in a pair of wheels and venture out on to the mean streets of Dublin City. Now, I have only been cycling to work for the past 5 months but during that time I have…

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Mindfulness 1 Easy Exercise Anyone Can Try Right Now

By Matt Quigley, Meditation, Mindfulness, YogaHub

Follow the Image for 1 Breath, 2 Breaths or as long as you can and see how it affects your mood, your thoughts and your body. Try it now and come back to me                           Feel any different? More relaxed, centred, calm? We all have the tool of our breath and we have it available to us at any given moment. As you take your awareness to your…

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5 Fears I Had Before Starting Yoga Teacher Training

By Dublin, Mindfulness, Motivational, Teachers, Wellbeing, Yoga

I am currently three sessions in to the 200 hour yoga teacher training course at YogaHub. I’m thoroughly enjoying the experience so far and I’m delighted that I decided to sign up to do the course. Before I enrolled on the course I was quite apprehensive about embarking upon my yoga teacher training journey. I suppose I was scared and fearful for a variety of reasons. The main fears that almost held me back included the following: Fear of standing up in…

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So You’re Thinking About Trying to Meditate? 3 Things I Think You Should Know

By Dublin, Matt Quigley, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Teachers, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

I don’t pretend to be Eckhart Tolle or DeePak Chopra (if you don’t know who these people are don’t worry about it). Sure I own a Yoga Studio (YogaHub) and have been a Yoga Teacher since about 2008 and although you might think all I eat is lettuce, I can wrap both legs around my head and I meditate from 3am to 4.30am every morning after standing on my head  I can assure you I struggle with routine just as…

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How The Heck Do I Start Practicing Mindfulness? And Why Do I Need to?

By Dublin, Matt Quigley, Meditation, Mindfulness, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

Wouldn’t it be great to be completely aware of our actions rather than just acting them out? Or better still wouldn’t it be amazing if we learned to stop ourselves before we said or did something that we’ll either immediately or shortly after regret? And if you don’t know what I’m talking about at all maybe you know about thinking about something that worries you or stresses you out to the point where you don’t feel like you’re anything else…

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