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3 Mindful Ways To Start Your Morning

By Dublin, Healthy, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Pranayama, Rachelle Hicks, Students, Teachers, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

We all want to start the morning right, but not all of us have time to do a full hour-long yoga practice. Luckily, there are other simple and mindful ways we can incorporate yoga into our morning. 1 – Give yourself time. This is a difficult one. Most of us know what it’s like to hit the snooze button more than a couple of times. And no matter now many times a wake up is delayed, there never seems to be…

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What Is Kundalini?

By Dublin, Healthy, Ireland, Mindfulness, Motivational, Music, Pranayama, Rachelle Hicks, Teachers, Wellbeing, Workshops, Yoga, YogaHub

This week we get to talk to the lovely Emer about what Kundalini yoga is, how it can change your life, and what she’ll be offering at her summer-inspired YogaHub workshop this weekend. Hello Emer! So, what is Kundalini Yoga? Kundalini Yoga was brought to the West by Yogi Bhajan. It is considered to be one of the most comprehensive of all of the yoga traditions as it combines many practices such as meditation, mantra, physical postures and breathing techniques. It…

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10 Reasons We Love Palo Santo

By Dublin, Healthy, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Pranayama, Rachelle Hicks, Restorative, Students, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

A few students have asked recently about one of the amazing scents that some of our teachers use. Although there are a number of different things teachers can to bring to class, Palo Santo is a favourite these days. Palo Santo is a piece of wood from a wild tree that grows in Central and South America. A small piece of the Palo Santo wood is burned to let off a medicinal smoke. Its naturally sweet smoke is light, compared…

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What Is A Sound Bath?

By Dublin, Healthy, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Music, Rachelle Hicks, Restorative, Wellbeing, Workshops, Yoga, YogaHub

YogaHub is really excited to be bringing the very knowledgable Tom Toher to our studio this weekend for an amazing Sound Bath workshop. Below is a Q and A we did with Tom so he can tell you more about what sound baths are. Hope to see you there!   Hey Tom! So, what is a sound bath? As the name suggests, a Sound Bath is an immersion in beautiful sounds and vibrations that are healing for your body, mind and…

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Still Running with Knee Pain? Try these 3 tips

By Dublin, Healthy, Wellbeing, Yoga

Author: Paddy O’Rourke “If you don’t think you were born to run then you are denying history. You are denying who you are” is probably the most repeated quote from Christopher McDougall’s “Born to Run”. There’s no doubt we should all participate in some form of running on a weekly basis.  It alleviates stress, battles signs of depression, reduces the risk of cancer and enhances mental clarity and focus among many many other benefits. Running is many peoples escape but…

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Home Practice Tip: A Pose A Day

By Asana, Dublin, Healthy, Ireland, Meditation, Mindfulness, Motivational, Rachelle Hicks, Students, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

I remember when I was a beginner at practicing yoga. It was about 10 years ago. I had been to a few classes over the course of a year and it was by no means consistent. I was interested in continuing, but there was something about it that felt daunting. How was I ever going to remember all those poses? How could I get to a point where I could count my breaths on my own? And what’s with all those…

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5 Benefits of Restorative Yoga

By Dublin, Healthy, Meditation, Mindfulness, Rachelle Hicks, Restorative, Workshops, Yoga, YogaHub

Restorative classes and restorative poses have a reputation for being so yummy. They’re like the dessert of yoga. It sometimes makes you wonder: Can something that feels so nice be good for you? Here are a few practical examples of how a restorative practice can benefit you mentally, emotionally, and physiologically. 1 Repairs the body and nervous system. The beautiful slow-motion pace of a restorative practice, coupled with an intimate experience with the breath, can help to drop us drop…

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pitta dosha

Pitta Dosha Explained – The Productive Perfectionist

By Asana, Ayurveda, Food, HappyFood, Healthy, Mindfulness, Vegan, Wellbeing, Yoga

Pitta Dosha Explained The Productive Perfectionist What is the Pitta Dosha? We’ve already explored what it means to be aware of our ayurvedic dosha type, why it’s important for us to remain balanced, and also taken a look at the Vata dosha type in detail. If you’ve taken the tests you might now be aware if you’re Vata, Pitta, or Kapha. If not, you can find out here. This week we’re exploring the Pitta dosha! Pitta Dosha Attributes Pitta dosha…

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vata dosha

Vata Dosha Explained – The Anxious Creative

By Ayurveda, Food, Healthy, Yoga

Vata Dosha Explained The Anxious Creative What is the Vata dosha? Our last post explained what it means to be aware of our ayurvedic dosha type, and why it’s important for us to remain balanced. If you’ve taken the tests you might now be aware if you’re Vata, Pitta, or Kapha type. If not, you can find out here. This week we’re exploring what it means to be a Vata-dominant type!   Vata Dosha Attributes Those with a dominant Vata…

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doshas ayurveda

What Are the Doshas, and Why Are They Important?

By Ayurveda, Dublin, Food, Healthy, Meditation, Wellbeing, Yoga, YogaHub

What Are the Doshas?? Some of us may have a vague inclination as to what the 3 doshas are, however it’s rare we get the opportunity to delve deeper into our individual constitution. In this series of blog posts we hope to help you understand further what it means to be a Vata, Pitta, or Kapha type, and also what this means in terms of your daily habits, tendencies, and unique composition. The Doshas and Ayurveda Ayurvedic medicine holds that…

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